“Reanimation,” aims to depict the reconstruction of the human form. Throughout the series, I use photography to illustrate my anxiety and my own perceptions thereof. The creation of this series stems from the idea that humans, as a species, follow social constructs that have been embedded in our societies for centuries. The concept of “normal” is an illusion; however, as a society, we are expected to exist within these socially constructed norms. Social interaction requires that we act with specific mannerisms and a certain level of masquerade. This is manifested throughout the standards of social interaction and our relationships with other humans. As a result of the situations in which we find ourselves and the relationships we develop, the masks constantly change and evolve. Thus, in the act of “fitting in” with social expectations, we take on multiple personas that project themselves into one person. My series is depicted in my domestic space because it is a haven where I am able to remove my social masks. However, in experiencing the removal of one’s social masks, one begins to split into different personas.